Which Horror Villain Are You SECRETLY Most Like?
Which Horror Villain Are You SECRETLY Most Like?
Take this quiz if you dare!
Take this quiz if you dare!

First, pick the villain you're not afraid of:
If you were in a horror movie what role would you have?
Do you have trouble sleeping after watching a scary movie?
What is your #1 no-no when it comes to dumb things in horror movies?
Which masked villain would win in a fight?
Last, pick a good characteristic to have as a villain.
Freddy Krueger
Freddy Krueger
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but nothing will ever kill me." - Freddy Krueger.
You're secretly Freddy! You are humorous, you love to make people laugh! You tend to add humor to everything that you do - whether it's homework, going to the gym, or watching a horror film with your friends.
Stay awake and share your results with a friend!
What's your favorite scary movie, Ghostface?
You are an incredibly crafty person! It doesn't take you long to come up with some of the most clever and creative things. You also never fail to surprise your friends.
Are you Ghostface? Leave us a comment after sharing your results with a friend! :D
Hannibal Lecter
Hannibal Lecter
You're secretly like Dr. Hannibal Lecter!
You're incredibly calm and collected. You don't tend to overreact when things go awry which makes it difficult for some people to read you. You possibly have a future in social work or psychology (if you don't already!).
Share your results with your friends and family, Clarice.
Never underestimate the power of persistence!
You're secretly like Chucky! What people admire most about you is that you never give up! You look opposition in the eye and continue to work towards your goals and dreams.
Share your results with a friend! :)