Which Instrument Is Your Soul Instrument?
Which Instrument Is Your Soul Instrument?
Take a quiz to find out! :D
Take a quiz to find out! :D

First, pick a musician who makes you smile:
What type of music gives you chills?
Which string instrument speaks to you?
What food associates better with music?
Which photo better represents you:
Spotify or iTunes?
Last, you're a new artist, what genre of music do you perform?
You got Creative Acoustic Guitar!
You got Creative Acoustic Guitar!
You got Creative Acoustic Guitar! You are known for thinking outside of the box in your everyday life - your friends admire you for it. You have a creative soul that inspires and motivates those around you. Share your results with a friend who plays the guitar!
You got Compassionate Grand Piano!
You got Compassionate Grand Piano!
You got Compassionate Grand Piano! You give off warm and positive vibes to everyone you meet. You're kind and try to find the bright side in every situation. You're also big on giving people a second chance. Leave us a comment and tell us what instrument you play!
You got Vibrant Violin!
You got Vibrant Violin!
You got Vibrant Violin! There's a sparkle to you - you're lively and very passionate. You never fail to give whatever room you're in good vibes. Though you're enthusiastic, there's still an elegance to you! Share your results with a friend who was or is currently in orchestra.
You got Quirky Triangle!
You got Quirky Triangle!
You got Quirky Triangle! You're fun and silly - you always make your friends laugh. You also love the feeling you get from making people laugh. You're clever, quick, and don't always want to be the center of attention. Does this sound like you? Share your results with a funny friend. :)
You got Soulful Harmonica!
You got Soulful Harmonica!
You got Soulful Harmonica! You are soulful, not in the sorrowful sense, but in the deep sense. You're able to express yourself easily and you're able to pick up on others' emotions even easier. We can't forget to mention how much of a sincere person you are too. Share your results with a genuine friend.
You got Humble Drumset!
You got Humble Drumset!
You got Humble Drumset! You are very skilled in what you do, but you never brag. You're able to take compliments and love being able to give them back. You're respectful to most of the people you meet unless they give you a reason to bring out your other side. Leave us a comment saying what your favorite instrument is!