What do you think of the government shutdown?
What do you think of the government shutdown?

What do you think of the government shutdown?
The Guidon
What do you think of the government shutdown?
senior Garrett Cole
What's going to win? A five billion dollar wall or a $15 ladder?
senior Nick Zimmerman
Is the wall so important we need to take a bunch of government worker's wages away who are probably already living paycheck to paycheck anyway? Is it worth it?
senior Isabelle Pfeifer
I think it's a pointless reason to have a government shutdown just because he wants to build a wall.
Iris Garibay
I think it's whack.
freshman Rebecca Carvar
I agree, but I disagree with it. I see what Trump is trying to do, but I think there are other ways to do it.
freshman Kailie May
The government shutdown is utterly stupid. I don't see why we need the wall at all. Even the Mexican president had this big video saying "You can defeat this stupid wall with one item: a ladder."
freshman Carl Denny
For the people who say there is no trouble at the walls, they do generally go to the main areas of the walls where there is guarding, so there is bias there. However, it is important to now a wall isn't going to help a lot.
sophomore Kamryn Schoenberger
I think it's really, really stupid. Especially for national parks. They're getting trashed so much everyday, and it's going to take years to clean up, and there closed. I'm going to be visiting Washington D.C. this summer, and I was really looking forward to visiting some of these places, but I don't want to anymore if they're going to be trashed. They're losing $400,000 a day, and there's human waste everywhere, and it's just very bad for animals.
sophomore Sophie Garrison
Basically, I think it's stupid because people are living paycheck to paycheck and now they're not getting paid, so what are they going to do about that, huh?
junior Maddie Lohmeyer
I think they should get their stuff together because I miss going to the zoo and stuff like that.