Can You Still Answer These 17 Tricky Questions About "When Harry Met Sally"?
Can You Still Answer These 17 Tricky Questions About "When Harry Met Sally"?
Can you take on the *tricky* challenge?
Can you take on the *tricky* challenge?
Harry and Sally graduated from:
What is Harry's last name?
And what is Sally's?
When did the movie come out?
Who had a "rule" about the impossibility of male-female friendships?
How many years after parting in New York, do they find themselves on the same flight?
Sally had started dating a man named:
And Harry had been engaged to a woman named:
How many years after they separate again, do they run into each other in a bookstore?
Why did Sally and Joe brake up?
And why did Harry's relationship end?
Harry and Sally find themselves attracted to each other...
Where are they arguing about men's ability to recognize when a woman is faking an orgasm?
Where do they have a heated argument?
How long after they made up and kissed, did they marry?
Who said: "I want you to know that I will never want that wagon wheel coffee table."
And finally, who said: "Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash."