Are You A Narcissist Or An Altruist?
Are You A Narcissist Or An Altruist?
Can we see how your personality is really divided?
Can we see how your personality is really divided?

Cerebral Narcissist
Cerebral Narcissist
You are a Cerebral Narcissist! You take great pride in your intellect and can be incredibly persuasive when the right moment presents itself. You aren't necessarily obsessed with status symbols, but you place great emphasis on education level and achieving levels of authority and respect based on your big brain. To be completely honest, you have what it takes to become a politician, CEO, or the leader of a cult. You excel at any profession that demands a large following.
Heroic Narcissist
Heroic Narcissist
You are a Heroic Narcissist! You're a much louder and boisterous version than the average narcissist who holds nothing back, especially when you're in a crowd. You may often be referred to as the "one-upper" in your group, always over-sharing information about yourself that can out-do anyone around you. You're also used to playing the role of the martyr or the hero, usually providing a sound reason or strong justification for your own actions and personal opinions.
Assertive Altruist
Assertive Altruist
Sure, we all love looking at ourselves in the mirror, and we tend to get a little boastful when we're doing really well in life. It's hard not to get carried away when things are on an upswing. But even if you find yourself reveling in the occasional compliment, you're hardly a narcissist. You have compassion and kindness in your soul, and you relate to others as your equal. There's nothing wrong with recognizing the special gifts you have, as long as you take it all with a grain of humility.
The Balanced Individual
The Balanced Individual
You're a completely balanced person with a very healthy relationship with yourself and the world around you. You have a grounded and mature personality with appropriate boundaries, normal levels of empathy and a healthy sense of self respect. Well done! But let's be honest, being normal isn't all that it's cracked up to be, you probably even envy your crazy friends. Try spicing things up a bit with deviating from your normal, balanced routine and do something completely out of character! You have nothing to lose, you're far too balanced to "lose it"!
Driven Altruist
Driven Altruist
You are competitive and driven, and you usually win. You're skilled in a number of different fields, and you've worked hard to prove yourself. While it is certainly praiseworthy that you have accomplished so much, you tend to also believe that you deserve special treatment for it. You consider yourself better than most, and expect to be treated as such. Keep striving to be the best you can be, for it will certainly lead you far in life. However, remember that everyone is on their own path, and others deserve to be treated just as well as you.
Loving Altruist
Loving Altruist
You're sweet, tender and compassionate and strive to serve humanity and to give to others by sharing what you can, such as knowledge and experience, or creative and artistic ability.
You're idealistic, highly imaginative, intuitive, and spiritual. You seek after spiritual truth and often find it. You tend to be visionary and often inspire others. If you fail to develop your potential, you may become a dreamer, or misuse your power.