How Big of an MCU Fan are You?
How Big of an MCU Fan are You?
Test your superhero knowledge! (will also include questions about the shows)
Test your superhero knowledge! (will also include questions about the shows)

How many movies are there currently in the MCU? (from Iron Man to Doctor Strange)
In which movie was Scarlett Johansson introduced as Black Widow?
How many actors named Chris have major roles in the MCU?
Which two MCU actors have also played the part of Sherlock Holmes?
What is the number that the MCU scriptwriters constantly include in the movies as an inside joke?
Who are the Defenders?
Who is the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D.? (as of season 4 of agents of shield)
What is the name given to people who go through terra genesis and receive powers?
Who is the main character of Agents of SHIELD?
What is the name of the character who is Steve Roger's love interest in Captain America the First Avenger, who also received an ABC show that was canceled after two seasons?
Now we will ask you some more personal questions. Ready?
Have you ever been to Comic Con?
Have you ever met an MCU actor?
Have you seen all the movies in the MCU?
Do you ship characters with each other?
Do you run a marvel fan account?
Do you watch the shows in the MCU? (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Agents of SHIELD, Agent Carter, etc)
After a Marvel movie reaches the ending credits while watching in a theater, what do you do?
When do you usually watch Marvel movies when they come out?
Finally, how big of an MCU fan do you think you are?
What are you even doing here?
What are you even doing here?
You're not a fan at all, you probably haven't seen a single Marvel movie. What are you even doing here go away you disgrace to humanity (and watch some Marvel while you're at it)
You're a casual fan
You're a casual fan
You like Marvel. You think superheroes are pretty cool and you go see the movies with your friends to hang out, but you're not obsessed. Man sometimes I wish I could be like you, saves a lot of pain.
You're a pretty big fan
You're a pretty big fan
You've seen the movies you watch the shows, maybe even have a poster or two. You always watch the movies in the theater cuz like what's the point in even waiting to watch them at home like no. Despite all this you've probably never been noticed by an MCU actor, nor have been to many Comic Con's, and are probably trapped in your room with hopes and dreams to one day meet your favs. Hang in there, I'm sure one day that day will come!
You are the actual biggest marvel fan in existence. You live and breath marvel ok marvel is LIFE. You have posters all over your walls, run a fan account, write fan fiction, make text posts on tumblr, and probably have one or two things signed by your favorite Marvel actor/actress. In fact by now you might even be best friends with them. You binge watch all the movies 24/7 and are caught up on all the shows, and you watch every movie the Thursday before it comes out cuz YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOVIE FOR LIKE A YEAR YOU ARE GOING TO THAT EARLY SCREENING. Well, let me just say good luck, because it's hard being so obsessed with something, you probably catch the feels all the time. I'll be praying for you!