What Type of Voyant Are You?
What Type of Voyant Are You?
First published anonymously in 2031, ON THE MERITS OF UNNATURALNESS first indexed and classified the types of unnatural clairvoyants (or “voyants") that live in the Republic of Scion England. Voyant types can be easily recognized by the color of their link to the æther (known as an “aura”), but for those without the ability to see auras, this quiz may be of some assistance.
And once you've taken our quiz, you can compare your results with this quiz made by one of our Bone Season Advocates! http://www.ohthe
First published anonymously in 2031, ON THE MERITS OF UNNATURALNESS first indexed and classified the types of unnatural clairvoyants (or “voyants") that live in the Republic of Scion England. Voyant types can be easily recognized by the color of their link to the æther (known as an “aura”), but for those without the ability to see auras, this quiz may be of some assistance.
And once you've taken our quiz, you can compare your results with this quiz made by one of our Bone Season Advocates! http://www.ohthe

Which Hamilton character do you identify most with?
Choose a flower:
Which TV show speaks to you? (No judgement here.)
Which Six of Crows character are you?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Which of the following is the most important to you in a job?
You tend to be sentimental and attached to specific objects, either due to familiarity or nostalgia, which may make others think you’re materialistic. You like to be comfortable. Routines makes you feel secure. You probably also have a kind of security blanket, a token or behavior that makes you feel safe and calm.
Soothsayers are the most common type of voyant but are not to be underestimated. A soothsayer’s power is reliant upon a particular object (or “numen”) with which they use to communicate with the dead. This object can vary, running the gamut of the expected—cards for a cartomancer, a crystal ball for the crystalist, etc.—to the more unique—a thrown dagger for a macharomancer, for example. Soothsayer auras are purple.
Learn more in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon!
In life, you sometimes feel underappreciated and unrecognized for your talents and abilities. You’re generally easygoing and don’t stress over messes, but you like the details as opposed to the big picture.
Augurs use elements to read signs. Unlike soothsayers, they aren’t attached to specific objects, but rather are inclined toward different types or groups of readable elements. Augurs are divided into two types, Common and Vile, and both are seen within the voyant community as lesser types. Common augury can be faked and read elements common to popular culture such as salt (halomancer), dowsing rods (rhabdomancer), or tea leaves (tasseographer.) Vile augurs are depicted in MERITS as being cruel, backwards, and afflicted, as they use bits and fluids from other beings to reach the æther. Such elements can range from the relatively harmless chiromancer (reader of palms) to the anthropomancer, which uses the blood or entrails of dying humans. Augur auras are blue.
Learn more in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon!
You are a creative spirit, happiest when you’re dreaming and making something beautiful. You often get lost in your work, but what some see as obsession, you prefer to view as passion. That said, you often don’t have an opinion on things and are more than willing to go with the flow.
Mediums use themselves as conduits for the æther, allowing spirits to possess them for a short time. There are many well-known mediums who grace the world with new works, including The Seven Seals’ own Martyred Muse (automatiste or art medium.) Medium auras are green.
Learn more in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon!
You are a pleasure seeker, primarily your own but sometimes others’ as well. You are all about aesthetics, both visual and total sensory experiences. You are perceptive, able to pick up on key details that others sometimes miss. You are also sensitive, both physically (to sensory stimulation) and emotionally.
Sensors use their own five physical senses to perceive when spirits are nearby. They are often confused with Mediums, but are vastly different, as their talents lie with perceiving what’s going on around them rather than being controlled by those surroundings. Sensor auras are yellow.
Learn more in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon!
You are a natural leader. You are driven and focused, concerned with getting the job done and getting it done your way. You’re not necessarily Type A, but you can be stubborn and tend to draw others along in your wake.
Guardians are powerful voyants with greater control over spirits than most other voyant types. Powers include being able to form a physical tie between themselves and a spirit (Binder), permanently banishing a spirit (Exorcist), raising the dead (Necromancer), and calling spirits out of reach of their aura (Summoner.) Though only two of the four kinds have actually been witnessed in real life (the other two remain hypothetical), all types are not to be underestimated, and their kind often rise to become mime-lords of their sectors. Guardian auras are orange.
Learn more in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon!
You are a bit self-protective. You keep a buffer between yourself and others. Personal boundaries are a big deal. You may have a bit of a temper, but above all, you have Things To Say and hate when you feel you aren’t being heard.
Largely considered hypothetical due to their rarity, Furies experience a physical change when interacting with the æther. This small but respected class of voyants includes the mythohistorical classes of Beserker (warrior types consumed by uncontrollable rage) and Sibyl (prophets), and the unsettling Unreadables, voyants that have suffered a traumatic event and therefore are invulnerable to further attacks. Fury auras are orange-red.
Learn more in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon!
You are overflowing with potential, whether you always feel that way or not. You can be very persuasive, able to make people see what you see and bring them to your side. Whether you do this through a silver tongue or simply by seeking common ground, you can reach people, which makes you a force to be reckoned with.
The highest of all the orders, Jumpers can affect and even enter the æther without using objects or elements. The mythohistorical Oracle can send and receive mental messages to other voyants and can catch glimpses of other points in time, while the most powerful type of all, the Dreamwalker, can dislocate to wander free of their body in spirit form and may even be able to possess other beings. Jumper auras are red.
Learn more in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon!