How Will You Die In Samantha Shannon’s Bone Season Series?
How Will You Die In Samantha Shannon’s Bone Season Series?
You are a supernaturally powered human (clairvoyant or “voyant”) living in a futuristic dystopian London. Dangers abound—from the totalitarian government of Scion to the otherworldly beings called Rephaim that control society from the shadows to the chittering, ravenous creatures from your darkest dreams. In this world, the question is not will you die, but how? In a blaze of glory or in a quivering ball of fear?
You are a supernaturally powered human (clairvoyant or “voyant”) living in a futuristic dystopian London. Dangers abound—from the totalitarian government of Scion to the otherworldly beings called Rephaim that control society from the shadows to the chittering, ravenous creatures from your darkest dreams. In this world, the question is not will you die, but how? In a blaze of glory or in a quivering ball of fear?

Which Mulan character are you?
Which Hogwarts house are you?
You’ve been kidnapped and taken to a secret government base run by inhuman beings from another world. What’s your play?
Are you a team player of more of a loner?
Good news! Whatever you did worked, and you’ve escaped the secret facility. What will you do now that you’re free?
Back home in your local gang, what position do you fill?
Are you afraid of the dark?
Killed by a Rephaite
Killed by a Rephaite
You were killed by a Rephaite, an otherworldly being intent on taking over the world. You have good intentions but should have kept a low profile. No, lower. Lower. Lowerrrr. Has anyone ever told you that you can be a bit stubborn? At least you died in service of a noble cause. (But you ARE still dead.)
Eaten by an Emite
Eaten by an Emite
Bad news: You’ve been eaten by a terrifying, hellspawn shadow-creature as ravenous as those cybugs in Wreck-It Ralph, only they’re real and would like to devour our entire planet. Your death was quick but really painful. The good news is that now you know you’re tasty.
Executed by Scion
Executed by Scion
You’ve been executed on live television by Scion, the dystopian government that controls the United Kingdom. You likely ticked them off by being powerful enough to be on their radar, but not powerful enough to protect yourself. C’est la vie. Well, at least it was quick.
Assassinated by a rival mime-lord
Assassinated by a rival mime-lord
You should have made it. You’re clever, powerful, and more than a little ruthless. The problem is that you’re TOO much of those things, and a rival mime-lord threatened by you took you out and probably made an example of your corpse. The funeral should be nice, though.
Wrong place, wrong time
Wrong place, wrong time
You did everything right. No brash, bold plans. No freezing in terror. No running your mouth. You stayed under the radar, played it safe, and avoided danger as best you could. But this is a “HOW Will You Die” quiz, not a “Will You” quiz, and you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Most likely, you accidentally stepped onto the third rail or entered the wrong fight or got caught in the crossfire. Sorry, dude.