Which Of The Seven Seals Are You?
Which Of The Seven Seals Are You?
In the heart of dystopian London is an underground clairvoyant crime organization known as the Syndicate. Within the Syndicate, one of the toughest and most respected gangs is the Seven Seals, a tight-knit group of powerful clairvoyants whose burgeoning influence and control threatens to shake the foundations of the Syndicate and of London itself.
In the heart of dystopian London is an underground clairvoyant crime organization known as the Syndicate. Within the Syndicate, one of the toughest and most respected gangs is the Seven Seals, a tight-knit group of powerful clairvoyants whose burgeoning influence and control threatens to shake the foundations of the Syndicate and of London itself.

Which resident of the Hundred Acre Wood are you?
Choose an image:
You and your friends have been attacked by a rival gang; how do you fight back?
Pick an animal:
Which member of the Avengers do you identify with most?
Which collection of seasoning are you most likely to find in your cupboards:
How do you feel about other people?
The Pale Dreamer
The Pale Dreamer
You are Paige Mahoney, also known as The Pale Dreamer, the mollisher (strong-armed righthand) to the mime-lord of the Seven Seals. You are smart and fiercely self-sufficient, but secretly worry that you won’t find a place to truly belong. Family—found or blood—is important to you, and while you tend to be more level-headed than some, you can be vindictive when pushed.
Learn more in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon!
The White Binder
The White Binder
You are Jaxon Hall, also known as The White Binder, Mime-Lord of I-4 and the Seven Seals. It’s good to be on top, and you’ll do what you have to in order to stay there. You like power and expensive things, both because of the comfort they bring and the message they send to others. You know the power of words and use them effectively.
Learn more in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon!
The Martyred Muse
The Martyred Muse
You are Eliza Renton, also known as The Martyred Muse. “Martyred,” indeed. You have deep loyalties, sometimes to your own detriment, as those around you can take advantage of your willingness to accommodate. You want to be useful but can feel unappreciated for your strengths, which include an eye for aesthetics.
Learn more in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon!
The Red Vision
The Red Vision
You are Doctor Nick Nygård, also known as The Red Vision. You are The Mom Friend of your social group. You worry and fuss and do your best to protect those you see as being in your care, even if that means protecting them from themselves. You like peace and doing what (you think) is right; however, like any good Mom Friend, the quickest way to tick you off is to attack one of your charges. If that happens, screw peace.
Learn more in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon!
The Silent Bell
The Silent Bell
You are Nadine Arnett, also known as The Silent Bell. To everyone else, you’re a tough-as-nails hardnose. Maybe some enjoy your borders-on-rude, tell-it-like-it-is attitude, but others find you a bit much. Secretly, though, your rocky exterior guards a soft underbelly. You use your tough talk to hide a lot of insecurities and anxiety, sometimes even from yourself. Whomever you have decided to claim as family has your loyalty for life and you will choose them above anyone or anything else without question.
Learn more in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon!
The Black Diamond
The Black Diamond
You are Zeke Saenz, also known as The Black Diamond. You are the puppy of the group, the wee soft one that would rather give in than cause any trouble. You hate conflict, be it physical or verbal, but you do have a small stubborn streak that can trigger in just the right situation or for the right person. While you enjoy the comfort and security of group of trusted friends, you also love the freedom and independence of doing your own thing.
Learn more in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon!
The Chained Fury
The Chained Fury
You are Dani Panić, also known as The Chained Fury. You find people needlessly messy and irritating. Instead, you gravitate toward things you can understand and control, like STEM subjects and quantifiable data. You like to think of yourself as cold, aloof, and eminently logical, but have a bit of a temper. And as much as you say you don’t like people as a whole, you understand them enough to be deceptive when needed and have a few choice people you will follow (as long as what they say and do makes sense to you.)
Learn more in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon!