Are You A True My Little Pony Fan?
Are You A True My Little Pony Fan?
Ever wanted to discover if you were truly meant to be a My Little Pony fan? Take this 31 question trivia to find out!
Ever wanted to discover if you were truly meant to be a My Little Pony fan? Take this 31 question trivia to find out!

Who is this pony?
Who is this pony?
Who is this pony?
A pony with a horn and wings is known as...
Which pony symbolizes the element of magic?
Which pony symbolizes the element of loyalty?
Which pony symbolizes the element of generosity?
Which pony symbolizes the element of kindness?
Which pony symbolizes the element of honesty?
Which pony symbolizes the element of laughter?
This cutie mark belongs to which pony?
How did this pony get her cutie mark?
How did this pony get her cutie mark?
How did this pony get her cutie mark?
How did this pony get her cutie mark?
How did this pony get her cutie mark?
How did this pony get her cutie mark?
Which pony is the party planner that lives in Sugar Cub Corner?
Which pony is the fashion designer that lives in the Carousel Boutique?
Which pony is the farmer that lives on Sweet Apple Acres?
Which pony is the animal care taker that lives in the woodland cottage?
Which pony is the Wonderbolt racer that lives in the Cloudominium house?
Which pony is the princess that lives in the Castle of Friendship?
Which pony is the princess of the day who raises the sun?
Which pony is the princess of the night who raises the moon?
What is this princess's main role?
Which of these is not a role of this Queen?
Which of these characters was never an evil character?
What is the name of this pony?
Which mythical creature is not presented in My Little Pony?
What is the name of the world My Little Pony is based on?