What is your elemental power?
What is your elemental power?
Out of the main 11 elemental powers, which one represents you best?
Out of the main 11 elemental powers, which one represents you best?
![Blue Halo](http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/UserImages/15146e51-51a0-4618-b31c-809173df4e75.jpg)
Which scenery stands out to you the strongest?
If you were ever to be insulted, people would most likely call you...
If you were to be complimented, people would most likely say that you were...
Which genre/type of music do you enjoy most?
Which of these smells would please you most?
Which animal would represent you best?
Which mythological animal do you represent best?
In friendships, you are best known for...
Which of these would you most enjoy doing?
Which traits are you best known for?
Which one of these elements do you least like?
How do you feel you effect this world?
And finally, which of these would describe your thoughts on reality?
Congratulations, your elemental power is Earth! Earth represents dependability, dedication, practical thinking, and hard work. As Earth, this elemental power reflects your down to earth sense and your inner dependability you bring to yourself and others.
Congratulations, your inner elemental power is metal! Metal represents fortitude, strength, obstinacy, and confidence. As metal, this elemental power reflects your inner courage and outstanding confidence that you can wield in any situation.
Congratulations, your inner elemental power is life! Life represents creativity, cunning, change, and renewal. As life, this elemental power reflects your creative mind, your plotted tasks, and your ability to renew what's old into a better form.
Congratulations, your elemental power is water! Water represents purity, direction, devotion, and intention. As water, this elemental power reflects your intentional actions and behavior, as well as your firm devotion to following your beliefs.
Congratulations, your elemental power is frost! Frost represents slow pace, life choices, clear thinking, and honest judgment. As frost, this elemental power represents your ability to think through your actions before you act, make clear points to others, and your keen sharp minded sense.
Congratulations, your elemental power is fire! Fire represents passion, aggression, fury, and desire. As fire, this elemental power reflects your relentless pursuits in obtaining your desires and your fiercely aggressive will against all that oppose you.
Congratulations, your elemental power is lightening! Lightening represents initiative, intelligence, insanity, and speed. As lightening, this elemental power reflects your insanely quick thinking and your initiative ambition in relentlessly getting your hands on new opportunities before anyone else.
Congratulations, your elemental power is air! Air represents dreams, opportunities, and freedom. As air, this elemental power reflects your love for music, crave for freedom, your limitless dreams, and your desire for seeking new opportunities.
Congratulations, your elemental power is light! Light represents insightful thinking, positivity, and creation itself. As light, this elemental power reflects your ability to keep your mind on the bright side of reality and your ability to create new insights on meanings of creation.
Congratulations, your elemental power is darkness! Darkness represents mystery, isolation, hidden meanings, deep thinking, and secrets. As darkness, this elemental power reflects your secretive attitude, deep understanding, and your dark insights.
Congratulations, your elemental power is void! Void represents infinity, reason, and all of reality itself. As the rarest and most powerful elemental power in all of existence, void reflects your ability to see the truth of reality and your ability to understand all meanings.
Do you feel like this element represents you?
Do you feel like this element represents you?
Which element would you have most wanted?
Which element would you have most wanted?