What Wings of Fire dragon are you?

This quiz is to show you what type of dragon you are most likely to be, a Mudwing, Sandwing, Skywing, Seawing, Rainwing, Icewing, or Nightwing, from of the book Wings of Fire.

Blue Halo
Created by Blue Halo (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 16, 2018

Where would you rather live?

Which scenery would you prefer?

Which animal do you prefer?

Which is more of your behavior?

Hot weather or cold weather?

What super power would you choose?

Which is most important to you?

Which element would you choose?

Which do you fear least?

Which activity would you choose?

Which trait would describe you most

Your a Mudwing!

Your a Mudwing!

Abilities- Are incredibly strong, can breathe fire, can hold their breathe for an hour, can blend into mud.
Disabilities- can only breathe fire if warm enough.
Alliances- Skywing, Mudwing, Sandwing.
Against- Seawing and Icewing.

Your a Sandwing!

Your a Sandwing!

Abilities- can breathe fire, has a poisonous barbed tail, can withstand lots of heat and no water, can blend into sand.
Disabilites- are less tolerant to cold.
Alliances- Seawing, Mudwing, Skywing, Sandwing, Icewing, and secretly Nightwing.
Against- none

Your a Skywing!

Your a Skywing!

Abilities- are incredible fighters, are powerful fliers, can breathe fire.
Disabilities- none.
Alliances- Sandwing, Mudwing, Skywing.
Against- Seawing and Icewing.

Your a Seawing!

Your a Seawing!

Abilities- Can breathe underwater, has a deadly and powerful tail, are great swimmers, can see in the dark.
Disabilities- Can't breathe an elemental attack, can suffocate faster than other dragons without water.
Alliances- Sandwing and Seawing
Against- Icewing, Skywing, and Mudwing.

Your a Rainwing!

Your a Rainwing!

Abilities- has a lethal poison breathe that can shoot far distances, can disguise and change color how ever they want when they want, are great climbers.
Disabilities- get tired easily.
Alliances- none.
Against- none.

Your a Icewing!

Your a Icewing!

Abilities- can breathe deadly frost, is greatly immune to cold, has very sharp claws, has a whip like tail.
Disabilities- is less tolerant to heat.
Alliances- Sandwing and Icewing.
Against- Mudwing, Skywing, Seawing.

Your a Nightwing!

Your a Nightwing!

Abilities- can fortell the future, can read minds, can disappear into shadows, can breathe fire.
Disabilities- may sometimes not be born with the ability to read minds.
Alliances- too powerful and mysterious for war, but is secretly allied with the sandwings.
Against- Were against icewings.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021