What Would Your Furry Boyfriend Look Like?

Ever wanted to know what your furry boyfriend would end up looking like? Take the following quiz to find out.

Blue Halo
Created by Blue Halo (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 24, 2019
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What time of day do you prefer?

Which stereotype are you most attracted to?

Pick your favorite animal (at least out of these options).

Which type of person would least bother you?

What do you look for most in a partner?

The rebel wolf

The rebel wolf

It looks like your boyfriend is the bad boy. With tattoos, messy hair, and thick muscles, he is not afraid to get himself into danger. He'll always be loyal to you and never afraid to protect you from danger, in fact, he might get overly protective at times. However, like most bad boys, he can be quite temperamental, and like most overly protective men, he can act very hostile whenever your near other boys.

The hard working horse

The hard working horse

It looks like your boyfriend would always be working his tail off, living his life to the fullest out in the country. Since he prefers to not wear flashy clothing, he will usually show off his muscles by being shirtless while wearing belts with blue jeans. Being tall and muscular, he is most suited when he can work outside or be in sports. Due to being an athletic country boy, he is always willing to give you a hand with your struggles, and he always loves to work with you whenever he gets the chance. Yet, like most busy men, he may have to spend lots of time working on his job.

The fun dog

The fun dog

It looks like you're boyfriend would be outgoing and funny, as well as always loyal to you. He will always know when and how to make you laugh, even during some of your saddest of moments. However, like most dogs, he may get a little bit clingy, acting sadder than usual whenever you're not around with him.

The dark cat

The dark cat

It turns out that your boyfriend would have a mysterious and dark side to him. He would be able to share his dark past with you, and his humor may be pretty edgy. He would prefer dressing in dark clothing, sometimes even having sinister tattoos on his body. However, like most boys with a bleak past, he may be deceitful or secretive about his unpleasant truths.

The geek bat

The geek bat

It looks like your boyfriend would be smart and curious, as well as outgoing. Due to his outgoing behavior, he has an easy time adapting with your friends. He also loves staying up at night and using technology, writing, and doing may other unique activities. Being interested in such activities, he'd love spending nights playing video games with you. Though like most geeks, he might lack the high amounts of muscle that other men may have.

The dare devil dragon

The dare devil dragon

It turns out that your boyfriend would be daring and fierce. Yet, aside from his fierce temper, he can also be quiet the adventurous and protective companion as a boyfriend. He'd enjoy spending most of his time driving, traveling, and going on adventures with you. Yet, like most dragons, his adventures may involve dangerous situations and breaking the rules, so be prepared for a lot of criminal activity.

The jock crocodile

The jock crocodile

It turns out that your boyfriend would be strong and very tall. He'd enjoy many sports, especially swimming and football, and he can be seen being shirtless with shorts or jeans. Yet, aside from sports, he'd also enjoy sleeping and getting dirty outside. He looks most forward to spending time with you after each of his sports games. However, like most crocodiles, he may not be the brightest and can get very temperamental, acting out fiercely whenever he gets into bad situations.

The clever fox

The clever fox

It turns out that your boyfriend would be clever, sly, and quite creative. He always knows how to charm you, whether it'd be with his good looks or his amusing sense of humor. Almost every day he looks forward to hanging out with you, especially during the mysterious and quite hours of the night. However, like most foxes, he may be quite deceitful at times. Yet, despite this, he is known for being surprising loyal to you.

The brave lion

The brave lion

It turns out that your boyfriend would be strong willed, muscular, charming, and very brave. Many know him for having a high reputation of honor and respect, making him quite the popular character. He is never afraid to stand up for you and protect you whenever he gets the chance to. Yet, like most lions, he is never afraid to voice his opinion as well, revealing that he can be very hard to work with at times and may be too focused on his perspective, rather than agreeing with other people. For the most part, he tends to be most stubborn towards how overly protective he is of you. He may also demand a lot of respect from you due to his temperament.

The preppy tiger

The preppy tiger

It looks like your boyfriend is known for being intelligent, popular, and successful, as well as independent and powerful. He likes focusing on making sure that your relationship with him remains the best it can be. He is also easily recognized for being strong, tall, and charming, as well as very active in many activities.

The rogue bird

The rogue bird

It turns out that your boyfriend would be adventurous and active. He is known for being most comfortable wearing low waist jeans, and sometimes even bandanas. He'd love spending time hiking, running, riding, and hunting with you whenever he gets the chance to. Usually you guys spend time together outside of the house, due to how much he enjoys being active. Yet, like most predatory birds, he can be quiet he trouble maker.

The country born deer

The country born deer

It looks like your boyfriend is strong, loves the outdoors, active, and has quite the stamina. He is known for loving to be out in the country, whether it'd involve hiking or just walking around with friends. He'd also enjoy spending lots of time with you relaxing in the woods, especially during sunset.. Though, like most deer, he may be shy about comforting you with his inner feelings.

What Would Your Furry Boyfriend Look Like Quiz.

Do you think this result would end up being your future furry boyfriend?

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