What Is Your Guardian Animal?
What Is Your Guardian Animal?
Which animal watches over you? By Mad
Which animal watches over you? By Mad
Favourite colour?
Favourite Animal?
Which word means the most to you?
Favourite Hobby?
Which word describes YOU?
You are loyal, and once you like someone, you simply HAVE to show it! No one can resist making a fuss of you but you are never selfish.
You never give up once you have an idea, no matter what. Sometimes things don't go your way. Rather than saying "Oh well!", you always keep trying to have everything in life.
Family is the most important word to you and you understand other people's feelings. Always ready to help with bags of sympathy, you gain people's trust and admiration quickly.
You are as strong and brave as a wolf, always fighting for what you believe. Pride may be your cause for courage, but too much of it will be your downfall. You always consider co-operation and hunt as part of the pack.
Bird Of Prey
Bird Of Prey
You are proud to be strong and brave but you do have a slight weakness for power. Always wanting to be on top, you need to make sure you let others win things too.
Teamwork is what you do best. Although many believe you to be solitary, really you love having friends and are very sociable. Of course, sometimes you really DO need some alone time, but rarely.
People either adore you or despise you. However, you know how cute you are, so you just laze around all day and sun-bathe, hoping it will get you noticed.