How Much Of A Commitment-Phobe Are You?
How Much Of A Commitment-Phobe Are You?
We're all young here
We're all young here
What's the longest relationship you've ever been in?
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
What's your biggest fear?
Which of these pictures best sums up your last relationship?
How do you spend your Friday nights?
What is your dream job?
What do you do at weddings?
Who do you aspire to be?
What do you do after a one night stand?
What would you do if someone said they loved you?
You love commitment
You love commitment
You cutie! You just love, well, love - you can't get enough of it. You'll spend your time writing poems and buying teddies for your beloved, even if the cheeky blighter won't return your calls.
You're a bit scared of commitment
You're a bit scared of commitment
Don't worry, it's natural. You're apprehensive before diving into things, and when your ex wanted to go Facebook official you took an understandable step back. That's life!
You're a commitment-phobe
You're a commitment-phobe
Look, it's normal to be a bit worried about settling down, but you have to draw the line. Refusing to take your partner to your cousin's wedding? That's normal. Refusing to have the same person cut your hair twice in case they get attached? That's not.
You are terrified of commitment
You are terrified of commitment
You're a walking husk of a human being, an anti-monogamy stereotype on two legs. When you're not sleazing your way around bars trying to shag anything that moves, you'll be insulting your older relatives by slurring about how marriage is a sham. You will end up alone, with multiple pets. Who hurt you?