Which Peep Show character are you actually?
Which Peep Show character are you actually?
Please not Gerard please not Gerard
Please not Gerard please not Gerard
What would you call your band?
Pick a comfort food
What's your favourite insult?
Pick a minor Peep Show character
Which of these quotes makes you the happiest?
What's your dream job?
Pick an ideal date spot
Are you Robert Grayson?
You're Mark
You're Mark
How do you feel? Empty, check. Scared, check. Alone, check - just another ordinary day. You're an anxious human being whose idea of adventure is mixing up one piece of white toast and one piece of brown. Boy to geek to drone: that's the Corrigan trajectory.
You're Jez
You're Jez
You're not evil, Jez, AKA Mr No Logo, AKA Mr Work for World Peace. No, the absolute worst thing that someone could say about you is that you're a selfish moral blank, whose lazy cynicism and sneering, ironic take on the world encapsulates everything wrong with a generation. But you, my friend, are not evil.
You're Gerard
You're Gerard
You're a liability, but at least in being a liability you can be someone else's beautiful Elephant Man. You're probably going to do something really pathetic, like die of the flu. That would be so Gerard.
You're Johnson
You're Johnson
Good work: you're the big man, and everyone else is a shitheel. You're intelligent, ruthless, and you know that every man comes at a price - about £530, for example. You're also willing to do anything to make your business work: fuck a chicken if that's what it takes. Watch a chicken fucking a horse. What? You think the guys who invented Google sat around watching Trumpton?
You're Big Mad Andy
You're Big Mad Andy
Are you mad? You've at least gone off the deep end a bit, and now you're threatening to drink cheap and nasty paint if someone won't punch you in the face. There's no fixing you, is there?
You're Dobby
You're Dobby
You're the IT misfit, the "man with no name," but you're quirky, so that means all of the opposite sex want to put their manimals in your flanimal. Which makes this a good one to get, we guess.
You're Jeff
You're Jeff
Jesus Christ, you're Jeff, the worst person in the entire catalogue of awful people in Peep Show. You're all about "man chat" and pool leagues and FHM, but you do have a sensitive side - doesn't make you less of a dick pull, though.
You're Super Hans
You're Super Hans
You're hardcore and painfully anti-establishment, shunning tidying up and logos in the foam for coke and moreish crack binges which end in you accidentally running to Windsor. We all know deep down you'd rather be eating olives and knitting like an electric nan, though.