Which Goosebumps Monster Are You?
Which Goosebumps Monster Are You?
Whether it was the books or the too-real show, Goosebumps has been scaring the pants off of us since the '90s. Now, with Halloween around the corner and the new movie coming out, it's time for a run down nightmare memory lane. Which Goosebumps monster are you? Take the quiz to find out!
Whether it was the books or the too-real show, Goosebumps has been scaring the pants off of us since the '90s. Now, with Halloween around the corner and the new movie coming out, it's time for a run down nightmare memory lane. Which Goosebumps monster are you? Take the quiz to find out!

Do you like spending time with other people?
Which prank seems like the sort of thing you'd do?
Which of these looks most like your living space?
What was your favorite part of middle school?
How do you feel about Stage 5 Clingers?
Pick a historical figure:
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Slappy the Evil Dummy
Slappy the Evil Dummy
Slappy is a rude, sadistic megalomaniac ventriloquist's dummy carved from the ancient wood of a cursed coffin. He enjoys mean-spirited pranks and the enslavement of small children. While you might not have everything in common, you both have a don't-give-a-crap attitude and refuse to let others speak for you.
The Haunted Mask
The Haunted Mask
The Haunted Mask is a biologically engineered monstrosity that feeds off negative energy and hatred, forcing itself to merge onto its host's face. While you (hopefully) aren't a creepy face-melting creature, you do love to attach yourself to people! Have fun with that!
Spooky Plant Clone Dad from Stay Out of the Basement
Spooky Plant Clone Dad from Stay Out of the Basement
"Stay Out of the Basement" featured a biologist who created a plant-based clone of himself, which then stole his identity. The scientist's kids then had to figure out which version of their father was the clone, and then kill it, which is pretty dark for a kids' book. Anyway, you're sneaky, and enjoy basements, so this life-swapping clone is your spooky doppelganger!
Killer Potato
Killer Potato
This creature appeared briefly in the book "It Came From Under the Sink." The story is actually about a killer kitchen sponge, but since you seem to like potatoes so much, this monster is right up your alley!
Mr. Mortman the Monster Librarian
Mr. Mortman the Monster Librarian
Mr. Mortman is a creepy librarian who likes to spend his free time transforming into a gross monster and eating bugs. He's also pretty dedicated to his work, and is quite organized, so you have that in common! Just please don't begin eating worms.
The Scarecrows from the aptly titled "The Scarecrows Walk at Midnight" always roll with a squad, which you certainly do, too. Additionally, you seem to be quite interested in farming. Just avoid fires!