Which Weird Thanksgiving Family Member Are You?
Which Weird Thanksgiving Family Member Are You?
Can we guess which oddball family member trope you fill this Thanksgiving? Take the quiz to find out!
Can we guess which oddball family member trope you fill this Thanksgiving? Take the quiz to find out!
What's your favorite thing about Thanksgiving?
What's your favorite Thanksgiving food?
What's your favorite Thanksgiving-themed movie?
What's your secret Thanksgiving superpower?
What's your favorite holiday besides Thanksgiving?
Pick a turkey:
Moody Teenager
Moody Teenager
You don't really want to be here. You like food, sure, but the entire historical idea of Thanksgiving is a fallacy, anyway. You'd rather be at home, by yourself or with your equally not-into-this friends, rather than home and with your weirdo family.
Crabby Old Person
Crabby Old Person
When did Thanksgiving get so loud? So hectic? Doesn't anybody remember the good old days, when everyone would sit around the radio near the fireplace after the turkey dinner? Now, the children won't look up from their phones. Kids these days, huh?
Cool Grandpa
Cool Grandpa
You're past caring about what other people think - you've been around for a long time and nobody's gonna stop you doing exactly what you want to have the best time possible. You're so cool, people think you're secretly Johnny Knoxville dressed up to look like Gramps!
Over-It Parent
Over-It Parent
In Thanksgivings past, you've pulled your hair out about bringing everyone together, making the food perfect, and finding somewhere for everybody to stay. At this point, you're done with Thanksgiving stress. Let someone else take care of everything. Enjoy your wine.
Actually Crazy Aunt
Actually Crazy Aunt
You may have thought it was a good joke to bring a live turkey to last year's festivities, and you may have found it hilarious when you broke Grandma's toilet, but neither time was funny. Please keep it together for just one day this Thanksgiving.
Out-Of-Control Toddler
Out-Of-Control Toddler
You need to calm down. You're making everyone else tired. What's that, your fifth cup of coffee? Pour it down the sink and watch some History Channel with Grandma, for the sake of all that is good in this universe.