Which apocalpyse would you last the longest in?
Which apocalpyse would you last the longest in?
Find out which world's end way you would fare the best in based on your personality.
Find out which world's end way you would fare the best in based on your personality.

The apocalypse begins, and the world is falling to chaos. What do you stock up on first?
Who would you go to for help?
If your apocalypse team was compromised, what would you do?
Say no one on your team is alive but you. A terrible disaster wiped them all out and you're the only one left. What are you going to do first?
Are you prepared to do what's necessary?
Last....what are you like?
Zombie Infestation
Zombie Infestation
Your knowledge of survival skills and hardcore personality makes you a good candidate for one of the last humans after the zombies come and go.
Robot Uprising
Robot Uprising
Your technology knowledge would help you survive the robot uprising! You might be able to turn off many of them or even re-program them, so you would do well!
Alien Invasion
Alien Invasion
Your supreme intelligence would give you an advantage when extraterrestrials attack our world. You could reason with them or figure out their weaknesses.
Society Collapse
Society Collapse
Your understanding of history and other countries would bring you and your allies to victory. Maybe you could even start up a new society....
Heat Wave
Heat Wave
Because of your natural desert survival skills, you could survive terrible solar flares or mass water evaporation better than most.
Global Warming
Global Warming
You can swim well....that'll be handy when most of the world is an ocean! You could organize people into groups to survive in the great flood.
Nuclear War
Nuclear War
There's really no way to survive this, but you would last a while! You and your family/friends would go deep underground where the nukes exploding above would do little to you, but humanity can't live underground.
The supervirus wouldn't affect you as much because of your immunity built up to severe colds. You would go to the scientists and get help....maybe even help them find the cure! It's likely you could survive through the whole thing.