Could You Pass A Driving Test In The U.S?
Could You Pass A Driving Test In The U.S?
Everyone knows that Americans use the wrong side of the road, but what else is there to know about driving in the states?
Everyone knows that Americans use the wrong side of the road, but what else is there to know about driving in the states?

A yellow and black diamond-shaped sign...
This sign tells you that...
You may turn right on a red light if you...
A flashing red light at a railroad crossing means...
You may pass if the line dividing two lanes is a...
Lanes of traffic moving in the opposite direction are divided by...
A highway with two-way traffic is marked by which of these signs?
An orange triangle on the back of a vehicle indicates that the vehicle...
When a school bus has its lights flashing and its stop arm extended, you must...
If your turn signals fail, what should you use to indicate that you are turning?
You must use your headlights when other vehicles are not visible from...
When exiting a highway, you should slow down...