Ted Cruz Struggles With His Decision To Drop Out Of The Presidential Race
Ted Cruz Struggles With His Decision To Drop Out Of The Presidential Race
A Cruz has got to do what a Cruz has got to do!
A Cruz has got to do what a Cruz has got to do!

President Ted Cruz
Hey Ted?
Senator Ted Cruz
Yes Ted.
President Ted Cruz
Are we the zodiac killer?
Senator Ted Cruz
No Ted, no we're not.
President Ted Cruz
Are you sure, Ted?
Senator Ted Cruz
Yeah buddy. Yeah I'm sure.
President Ted Cruz
Okay! Great!
Hey Ted--are you okay?
Senator Ted Cruz
I will be Ted, I will be.
President Ted Cruz
Oh? What's going on Ted?! Are we President now?
Senator Ted Cruz
Not exactly, Ted. Not quite.
President Ted Cruz
Oh. So why did I see you packing up all your stuff this morning Ted? We going on a trip?
Senator Ted Cruz
President Ted Cruz
SUPER! I'm so excited! Should I back my bathing suit?!
Senator Ted Cruz
Listen Ted, listen. I'm going.
I'm going away. For a long time.
President Ted Cruz
Well...where are you going Ted? Why can't I come?
Senator Ted Cruz
Because you've got to go buddy.
You're going somewhere, upstate, to a beautiful farm, where you can run around all day and be happy.
President Ted Cruz
AWESOME! Will there be other Presidents there too?
Senator Ted Cruz
Oh yeah buddy. President Gore will be there, President O'Malley, even President Palin.
You'll all pal around and have a great time. You don't need me anymore.
President Ted Cruz
Well that sounds swell! Funny though, I've never heard of any of those Presidents before.
Where will you go, Ted?
Senator Ted Cruz
Far away, Ted. Far, far away.
President Ted Cruz
Will you visit sometimes?
I'll miss you.
Senator Ted Cruz
I'll always be with you, President Ted Cruz. Always.
President Ted Cruz
And the mean man?
Senator Ted Cruz
No, Donald Trump will never bother you again. I promise.
Now c'mon little man. Let's get going.
And Ted?
President Ted Cruz
Yeah Ted?
Senator Ted Cruz
I'll always love you.