This Baby Kangaroo Wants Her Dinner Now, Please!

"Nao Dad! Food nao!"

Brad Majors
Created by Brad Majors
On Feb 18, 2016

Baby Kangaroo's are pretty cute-this is a truth universally acknowledged. But they're also, apparently, sassy little monsters who want their dinner A.S.A.P

"Daaaaaaaaaaaadddddd, is it ready noooowwwww?"


Baby kangaroo's don't get angry when they're hungry; they get extra adorable

"Is that Chipotle? Tell me you brought Chipotle"


But when they finally DO get dinner, they're back to being the cutest little dudes on earth

youtube embed goes here!



You can donate to Alice Springs Kangaroo Rescue here, and make sure lil Kangaroos always get dinner

(but maybe not chipolte)

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