What kind of friend are you?

Are you the fun one, the best friend, the rebel, or the CrAzY

Brai renee
Created by Brai renee (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 21, 2016

You're hosting a slumber party, what do you have planed?

You're friend just went through a bad break up, what do you do?

Favorite song to dance with your friends to?

You're eat you're friends house and they give you something that you HATE to eat, what do you do?

Last question, what do you like to do with your friends?

You're the CrAzY friend!!

You're the CrAzY friend!!

You are the CrAzY friend!!! But not in the you need to go to a mental hospital kind of crazy! By crazy I mean the one that won't deal with anything and is not afraid to point it out when you see a "cute" boy! It's okay thought everyone will always remember you, and the crazy one are the best!!! wink wink!

You're the fun one!!

You're the fun one!!

You're the one that everyone goes to when they want to have a fun time!

You're the BEST friend!

You're the BEST friend!

Everyone knows that you will always be there for them and will always be a shoulder to cry on! You're by far one of the best friend ever!

You're the rebel!!

You're the rebel!!

You kinda need to work on your loyalty towards you're friends, they have always been there for you so you need to return the favor! Have respect for people and better yet have respect for YOURSELF!! Have a great day sweetie poo!!

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