Can We Guess What Number You're Thinking of?

We think we can get inside your brain and figure out exactly which number, between 1 and 10, that you're thinking of right now.
Do you think we can guess what number you're thinking of?
Try it now and be sure to let us know if we got it right!

Created by BrainCandy (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 25, 2017

Did you get 13?

Did you get 13?

This fantastic magic trick works thanks the unique nature of the number 9. It doesn’t matter which number you picked at the start; once you’ve multiplied by 9, the sum total of the digits will always be equal to 9, making 13 your answer every time.

Amazing, right?

You got 13, correct?

You got 13, correct?

This fantastic magic trick works thanks the unique nature of the number 9. It doesn’t matter which number you picked at the start; once you’ve multiplied by 9, the sum total of the digits will always be equal to 9, making 13 your answer every time.

Amazing, right?

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021