Can We Guess Your Gender With These 10 Questions?

Answer these 10 questions and we'll see if we get it right!

Created by BrainCandy (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Dec 5, 2017

What position do you sleep in?

What type of transportation do you prefer to use?

Where do you usually have Thanksgiving dinner?

Are you a cat or a dog person?

Which power couple would you rather have dinner with?

Are you a coffee or a tea person?

Which of these would you need if you were trapped on an island?

Your friend's significant other just broke up with him/her. How do you react?

Which of these do you prefer?

You've got a date tonight. What type of restaurant do you choose?

You are a … woman!

You are a … woman!

Based on how you answered these 10 questions, we think you’re most likely a woman. Did we nail it? Tell us in the comments!

You are a … man!

You are a … man!

Based on how you answered these 10 questions, we think you’re most likely a man. Did we nail it? Tell us in the comments!

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