What Color Is Your Energy?
What Color Is Your Energy?
Let's find out what color you are vibrating and what that reveals about your true self.
Let's find out what color you are vibrating and what that reveals about your true self.

Which activity appeals to you the most?
Which element are you attracted to the most?
How would you describe your personality?
How would you best describe your current or past relationships?
Choose your favorite destination...
Which tarot card appeals to you the most?
Which art do you love the most?
Which photo makes you feel anxious?
Red is the color of vitality, so your energy connects you to all living creatures, making you extremely empathetic. You are very passionate, often sexual, and full of energy. You're centred and grounded to the earth and totally self-sufficient. However beware of being too competitive as this can be your downfall.
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You are in good health, a vibrant character and living life to its fullest. You're enthusiastic, sporty and you generally try to keep positive about life. People appreciate you because you brighten any conversation or situation. Watch out though, because an overabundance of this energy could mean that you have difficulty with obsession, addiction and desire.
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You're spiritually inspired or experiencing a spiritual awakening. You're playful and spontaneous, and you're as comfortable with practical pursuits as you are with intellectual ones. Your friends describe you as a smart, incredibly capable person - but you often feel pressure to achieve your goals and score high on tests. You are also afraid of change.
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You're a natural communicator so you may be an actor, writer or musician. You're motivated by compassion, empathy and generosity, and you are drawn towards helping people in everyday life. These traits mean you make an excellent partner for the person who is lucky enough to be dating you.
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Indigo is a deeply spiritual colour energy to have; you dream vividly, and have an extraordinary imagination which sometimes feels as though it is a glimpse into another world. Your heightened sensitivity to the spirit world means you are exceptionally intuitive, to the level that people have described you as "psychic". However, despite and perhaps maybe because of these abilities, the future is something that frightens you.
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You are a visionary and you're someone who can daydream and change the world with spiritual love. You're truthful and you excel in all fields of communication. Beware of getting too lost in the clouds and remember to come back to reality once in a while!
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