What Natural Phenomenon Are You?
What Natural Phenomenon Are You?
Are you dark and stormy or light and bright? Take this quiz to find out what natural phenomenon you are most like.
Are you dark and stormy or light and bright? Take this quiz to find out what natural phenomenon you are most like.

What’s the first thing you do after you wake up?
Choose a gift to unwrap
It’s Saturday and you have a long to-do list. What do you do?
Which would you rather be?
Someone hits your parked car. How do you react?
When are you at your best?
If you were a cartoon villain, what would your evil lair be?
You receive an invitation for a birthday party next month. What do you do?
Your significant other forgets your anniversary. How do you react?
You are a … Rainbow!
You are a … Rainbow!
Like the beautiful weather phenomenon, you are a magical creature. You’re optimistic and see the positive in just about everything. In fact, you shine brightest when times are tough. You lift others’ spirits just by being you. Maybe you’d rather cuddle with your dog than go for a run, and maybe sometimes you never get around to doing your chores … but who cares? You’ve got a pot—er, heart—of gold.
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You are an … Aurora borealis!
You are an … Aurora borealis!
Like the aurora borealis (also known as the northern lights), you add color to life. You’re a total free spirit, doing whatever you want, whenever you want. You’d rather be too cold than too hot, and you’re at your most shimmery at night. You don’t hold grudges or get upset over things you can’t control—who has time for that? You’d rather join the party and light up the night.
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You are a … Dust devil!
You are a … Dust devil!
Like this rare weather phenomenon, you are a complete whirlwind of energy. You move quickly and unpredictably, switching from task to task and interest to interest as the wind moves you. You don’t stick to a rigid schedule, and your friends know that you might join the fun at any time. And just like dust devils, you prefer warm weather and shaking things up, though you’re (usually) harmless.
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You are … Thundersnow!
You are … Thundersnow!
Boom! Like the rare weather phenomenon of thundersnow, you are unique and unpredictable. You don’t mind the cold or spending time by yourself, though your friends love it when you join them. They don’t love it if someone angers you, though—you can stay in a stormy mood for hours. Boom!
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You are a … Waterspout!
You are a … Waterspout!
Like the natural phenomenon, you are unpredictable and exciting. You like to keep people on their toes and don’t stick to a set schedule. You love the water and find as many ways to be near as it you can. You can get very mad very quickly, but just as quickly it’s over and you’re back to your usual fun self.
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You are a … total solar eclipse!
You are a … total solar eclipse!
Like a total solar eclipse, you are a rare treat. You might not always be at every social occasion, but just as an eclipse’s path is known long in advance, you stick to your plans once they are made (and your friends usually only see you during the day). Your methodical nature means you are very responsible and always get your work done before relaxing. And one thing’s for sure—you are definitely the silent type.
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