What is your Hogwarts house?
What is your Hogwarts house?
Find your Hogwarts house here fellow wizards!
Find your Hogwarts house here fellow wizards!
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You are intelligent, creative, wise, and original. Famous characters of this house are Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, and Myrtle Warren. The head is Filius Flitwick and the head ghost is The Grey Lady.
You are dedicated, hard working, patient, kind, and loyal. The head ghost is Fat Frair. Famous characters from this house are Pomona Sprout and Cedric Diggory.
You are brave, daring, courageous, and kind. The head of this house is Minerva McGonagall and the head ghost is Nearly-Headless Nick. Famous characters form this house are the well known Harry Potter, Ron Weasey, Hermione Granger, and Dean Thomas.
You are ambitious, Self-Preservation and, clever. This Hogwarts house is the house of the Malfoy's with Severus Snape as head. The slytherin head ghost is the Bloody Baron.