What Candy Are You
What Candy Are You
What candy is in your spirit?!?
What candy is in your spirit?!?
Which company made these candys
Do you like candy
Do you like Mellow Crème Candies?
Are Toxic Waste overpowering?
does this look like molten chocolate swirled?
Does This look like Dark Or Milk Chocolate
Is Peppermint Taste Good to You?
Do you want to try one of these one day?
Sour Candy
Sour Candy
You are a non sweet candy lover with a lot of lots of meanness and stress and you prefer healthy food and sour candy.
Sweet Candy
Sweet Candy
You love life and you are a sweet candy lover and you are nice and sweet=D and you will only accept sweet candy and sour you say no.
Halloween Candy
Halloween Candy
You love ALL candy and you love Halloween most and you will trick or treat until your an adult how much you love candy and you will eat any kind of candy.
MellowCreme Candy
MellowCreme Candy
You LOVE Candy Corn and Mellow Crème candies and you eat them when you can get them and you love the mellow crème pumpkins the most.