PERSONALITY QUIZ: Which Emoji Face Are You?
PERSONALITY QUIZ: Which Emoji Face Are You?
Take this quiz to find out which emoji face best describes you.
Take this quiz to find out which emoji face best describes you.

What is your ideal date?
What is your favorite hobby?
Are you close with your parents?
How do you tackle a problem?
What is your favorite subject in school?
What is your favorite TV show?
What is your favorite food?
Are you in a relationship?
Blowing a Kiss Face
Blowing a Kiss Face
You're a total sweetheart! You love everything romantic and sweet. People value your positivity and the way you always hope for the best in others. There's just about nothing or no one you don't love.
Rolling Eyes Face
Rolling Eyes Face
You get annoyed easily and don't have a problem showing it! Although there are things you enjoy, the majority just bothers the hell out of you. People value you because you're funny and entertaining. You'll find peace in your life soon enough.
Weary Face
Weary Face
You're super sensitive and unfortunately think everyone is out to get you. The good news is, they're not! People value you because you care so deeply about everything and everyone, but sometimes it gets too. much. Step back and take a breath of fresh air. People love you and you should know it.
Smiling Halo Face
Smiling Halo Face
You're the most innocent, generous person. You help everyone in need around you, and always put others first. People value you because you're a great ear to listen and try your best at advice. Your positive attitude is amazing!