QUIZ: Who Would Be Your Superhero Mentor?

The new Spiderman movie is hitting theaters this summer, and in case you haven't heard, Iron Man is Peter Parker's mentor. Who would be your superhero mentor?

Floor8 Staff
Created by Floor8 Staff (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 25, 2017

First of all, what are you looking for in a mentor?

It's the weekend. Where will your mentor find you?

What genre do you prefer reading?

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, it would be...

What is most important to you in life?

Where would you rather live?

Pick an image:

What is your greatest fear?

What motivated you to pursue the superhero life?

What is your favorite animal?



You need a mentor who brings a sense of humor to any situation, just like you do. You understand the darker sides of life, and can learn from Deadpool's ability to overcome adversity.

Others might think he's not quite right in the head, but you appreciate the benefits of being different. With his help, you can master what it is that troubles you, embrace the quirkiest aspects of your personality, and perhaps even overcome or learn to live with a mental or physical illness.



Superman has mastered super strength, super speed, and flight. What more could you want in a mentor?

You will learn to maintain your outstanding character and sense of ethics while making the world a better place. Like superman, you search for goodness everywhere you go. He will teach you to exude this goodness while defeating all of the bad guys.

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

Thanks to her own experience, Wonder Woman can help you find yourself when you are lost, assume a new identity, and maybe even speak to the gods. She is the master of making difficult decisions and working toward a greater good despite what others think or believe. She will help you control your own mind and tap into your inner strength.

Jean Grey

Jean Grey

You are intelligent and powerful, and Jean Grey will help you develop these strengths without losing control. Her mentoring might involve mind control, but that will work for you because you can be stubborn. Like Grey, you love to pursue knowledge. You two have a lot in common.

Iron Man

Iron Man

You are just like Spiderman, so naturally Iron Man would be your mentor. For all of his faults, Iron Man will be a kind mentor. For someone with a passion for science and research, it doesn't hurt that he can also act as a patron or lend an understanding ear.

Anyway, you are basically a spider, and Iron Man dated the Black Widow.



Thor is your gym-buddy-turned-mentor. He'll teach you how to wield a hammer and save some planets, but he will also teach you humility. You have many reasons to be confident, but overconfidence can eventually become weakness. Life is not all about glory, even when you're a very powerful superhero.

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