Which John Mellencamp Song Are You?
Which John Mellencamp Song Are You?
Are you a John "Cougar" Mellencamp fan? Do you know all his songs? Because you just might not be able to resist this quiz once you start! Find out which Mellencamp song you are... you might be surprised!
Are you a John "Cougar" Mellencamp fan? Do you know all his songs? Because you just might not be able to resist this quiz once you start! Find out which Mellencamp song you are... you might be surprised!

Your friend just told you that they bought you front row tickets to see John Mellencamp. How do you react?
You soon learn that the concert is tomorrow, and it's a 3 hour drive to the venue! How do you feel?
It's the day of the concert! What do you wear?
You arrive at the venue half an hour early. Now how do you feel?
At last you're inside and you get to your seats. The opening act is on, and they're not that good. Your reaction?
It's time! John Mellencamp and his band hit the stage- John plays one of his new songs. What do you do?
A drunk woman next to you keeps bumping into you. How do you handle this?
In the middle of "R.O.C.K. In The USA", John is searching the crowd for an audience member to bring on stage! What happens next?
He picks you! John grabs your arm and smiles, pulling you up on stage with him. What are you thinking at this exact moment?
He starts dancing with you! How do you dance?
Then he pulls you near the microphone to have you sing with him. Will you do it?
After you sing, he gives you a warm, exuberant smile. This is your last chance to do what you want!
You jump down back into your seat; what do you say to your friend?
The concert is over, and pretty soon you're back in your car again. What do you do?
Last question... what's the best decade for Mellencamp? (In terms of his music, which was most IMPRESSIVE?)
You got, "Shy" off the album "Cuttin' Heads" in 2001!
You're just as the title says- shy, a bit introverted, and a heavy thinker. You tend to contemplate the meaning of life often and sometimes you're intimidated by all the obstacles it has to offer. But don't let some things in life bring you down! You are charming and intelligent, and very sensual and sensitive. You are very in tune with your emotions and like this song states, "I hate for you to see me like this- 'cause nowhere in my life does this exist", you're very shy romantically as well.
Don't be so hard on yourself, and don't think too heavily all the time. Sometimes it feels good to let loose a little and dance to a favorite tune or go out with friends! You might be naturally introverted, but don't let it stop you from having fun in life!
Martha Say
Martha Say
You got "Martha Say" off the album "Big Daddy" in 1989!
You are independent, strong, and a little intimidating! You can make your own decisions and you make them quite well- often times you are the master/mistress of manipulation! You know what you want and you know exactly how to get it. Everything seems to go your way! You're mysterious, interesting, and everybody just wants to get to know you. You turn heads just being yourself.
Try not to be so independent and overbearing. You posses a ton of power, and this can be bad at times. It's okay to ask for help when you need it, and you don't always have to be the leader in the crowd. Sometimes it's okay to be back in the shadows and let life flow on it's own for a little bit.
Dream Killing Town
Dream Killing Town
You got "Dream Killing Town" of the album "Chestnut Street Incident" in 1976!
You are a natural born free spirit and soul. Absolutely nothing can get in your way when you set your heart on something! You have big dreams and you're highly ambitious- only setting yourself up to become a star. You want to grow up and be as mature as possible, and you don't necessarily want to fit in, but you want to be considered "successful" to others. You also tend to be a huge perfectionist.
You tend to be naive in your approach to life. Don't rush life, but don't dwell on the past either. Take every day one step at a time and don't obsess over your future. Have a little fun, but have a direction. Life is too unpredictable to spend so much time thinking about the future! However, you are a free spirit, and that is a wonderful thing.
I Ain't Ever Satisfied
I Ain't Ever Satisfied
You got, "I Ain't Ever Satisfied" of the album "Whenever We Wanted" in 1991!
Ahhh yes, you are quite simply never satisfied with anything in life. You expect too much of others, and you seem to be unhappy. No matter what you do, you can never get enough satisfaction in it, and it drives you crazy! Your expectations may be a little too high, as life is a bore to you.
On a brighter note, you are a perfectionist and you may excel in the arts quite well because of it. You are driven to create some of the best works of art, though you may never be completely satisfied with them, it does drive you to work harder each time.
Rave On
Rave On
You got "Rave On", a Buddy Holly cover from the movie "Cocktail"!
You are simply the easiest person to love! You are fun-loving, excitable, and just genuinely happy-go-lucky! Besides the grumps, everybody adores your youthful and charming personality, and your zest for life! You love to dance to music and you know exactly how to have a good time!
But beware of the hardships in life- life is not always a party and sometimes it can bring you down. Be prepared for that, as life is a constant rollercoaster of emotions and experiences!
The Isolation Of Mister
The Isolation Of Mister
You got, "The Isolation Of Mister" from the album, "Plain Spoken" in 2014!
You are the true definition of an old soul- you tend to be very mature, respectful, and wise beyond your years. You seek truth, honesty, and respect from all people. You are sweet and a pleasure to be around, and although you may not have always been the most popular person in the crowd, you don't let it bother you. And quite frankly, you don't care. You're content with the fact that life is ever-changing, and you may not find out who you are completely. Sometimes life brings you down, other times it gives you a brief thrill. You are a very introspective and self-critical.