Math Conversion Game
Math Conversion Game

Math Conversion Game
If 1 Gallon = 3 Liters How Many Liters does 12 Gallons equal?
If 1 Gallon = 3 Liters How Many Liters does 12 Gallons equal?
Sarah Walked 15 Feet. If one foot equals 12 inches, how many inches did Sarah walk?
1 Liter = 1,000 Milliliters
I drank 400 Liters in a week, how many Milliliters did I drink?
12 liters equals how many millileters?--
Which is greater:
4.5 kg or 4500 g?
Casey's {Not well excersized} pet mouse crawls 5 inches a day... Casey was concerned about his health. How many centimeters does he crawl?
Casey's {Not well excersized} pet mouse crawls 5 inches a day... Casey was concerned about his health. How many centimeters does he crawl?
Kellsey drank 27 quarts of juice today, How many pints is that?
If my brother weighs 506 pounds how many ounces does he weigh?
I drove 27 miles in my car, How many yards did I drive?
My fish tank holds 7 gallons of water, how many quarts is that?
My fish tank holds 7 gallons of water, how many quarts is that?
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