What Wes Anderson Character Are You?

Find out what Wes Anderson character you identify with.

Brian Webb
Created by Brian Webb (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 21, 2015

What's your gender?

How many close friends did you have as a kid?

What's your ideal vacation?

How's your relationship with your immediate family?

Have you ever been convicted of a crime (other than traffic violations)?

What are your views on guns?

How many people have you slept with? (be honest)

What's your drink of choice?

How are your math skills?

How do you respond to bullying?

Choose one...


Steve Zissou

Steve Zissou

Royal Tenenbaum

Royal Tenenbaum

Max Fischer

Max Fischer

Etheline Tenenbaum

Etheline Tenenbaum

Richie Tenenbaum

Richie Tenenbaum

Margot Tenenbaum

Margot Tenenbaum

Chas Tenenbaum

Chas Tenenbaum



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