If You Were an Ad, What Type of Ad Would You Be?
If You Were an Ad, What Type of Ad Would You Be?
Are you more pre-roll than pop-up?
Online content is fueled by advertising in many forms: banners, native, pre-roll, text and pop-up. Here in our ad tech bubble, we've noticed that we each have our own ad type, so we developed this fool-proof, science-backed game to identify yours, too. What's your ad personality?
Are you more pre-roll than pop-up?
Online content is fueled by advertising in many forms: banners, native, pre-roll, text and pop-up. Here in our ad tech bubble, we've noticed that we each have our own ad type, so we developed this fool-proof, science-backed game to identify yours, too. What's your ad personality?

Which is your favorite platform?
Which of the following films do you like most?
What do you like doing in your free time?
Where would you rather live?
You are invited to a party. Chances are that you'll:
If given the choice, who would you vote for?
And lastly: Instinctively, which of the following paintings appeals to you the most?
You are a Banner – You're always in the background, watching intently what’s going on. While you might seem "all over the place" you really are calm and collected; you’ve been around long enough to know that you’ll always have the best seat at the table.
Native Advertising
Native Advertising
You are Native Advertising – You assimilate, you study your surroundings, make smart choices and position yourself to move forward. You’re a chameleon, and in a dynamic, fast-changing world, you're built for success.
You are a Pre-Roll – You're a step ahead of everyone else. You bring richness that's not always easy to follow. You're the future and have been since you showed up.
Text Ad
Text Ad
You are a Text Ad – You're sophisticated, elegant and direct. You let the noisemaker run around, but you know that for the best results, people have to go through you
You are an Interstitial (Pop-Up) – You're a wild card, demanding and getting the attention that is rightfully yours. You're an Alpha and the world is your oyster.