Only 10% of People Can Pass This Test
Only 10% of People Can Pass This Test
So you think you know everything? Let’s see!
So you think you know everything? Let’s see!
1. You burn more calories:
2. The most popular given name in the world is:
3. Which letter doesn't appear anywhere on the periodic table of the elements?
4. How do you distinguish a carnivore from a herbivore just by looking at it?
5. One of these famous people had a daughter who was illiterate. Who was it?
6. What is the average speed of a sneeze?
7. In which year did they start making shoes with differentiation for the left and right foot?
8. How many letters are in the Hawaiian alphabet?
9. Which US city has more cars than people?
10. How many hairs does the average person lose per day?
11. The only animal to have four knees is:
12. Why does the Pentagon have twice as many bathrooms as necessary?
13. What is the meaning of a horse statue with its legs raised in the air?
14. What was the first novel to be written on a typewriter?
15. How do you know if there will be a Friday the 13th in a month?
16. Which city has the largest number of Rolls-Royce cars?
17. What is the escape velocity from the Earth's surface?
18. What was Luke Skywalker's original name in "Star Wars"?
19. In 1811, an earthquake near Missouri caused one particular change to the Mississippi River. What was it?
20. How many times do you blink in a week?
21. How much petroleum does it take to change 25 liters of drinking water to 25 liters of non-potable water?