Only 10% of People Can Pass This Test

So you think you know everything? Let’s see!

Bright Side
Created by Bright Side (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jun 2, 2017
1 / 21

1. You burn more calories:

2 / 21

2. The most popular given name in the world is:

3 / 21

3. Which letter doesn't appear anywhere on the periodic table of the elements?

4 / 21

4. How do you distinguish a carnivore from a herbivore just by looking at it?

5 / 21

5. One of these famous people had a daughter who was illiterate. Who was it?

6 / 21

6. What is the average speed of a sneeze?

7 / 21

7. In which year did they start making shoes with differentiation for the left and right foot?

8 / 21

8. How many letters are in the Hawaiian alphabet?

9 / 21

9. Which US city has more cars than people?

10 / 21

10. How many hairs does the average person lose per day?

11 / 21

11. The only animal to have four knees is:

12 / 21

12. Why does the Pentagon have twice as many bathrooms as necessary?

13 / 21

13. What is the meaning of a horse statue with its legs raised in the air?

14 / 21

14. What was the first novel to be written on a typewriter?

15 / 21

15. How do you know if there will be a Friday the 13th in a month?

16 / 21

16. Which city has the largest number of Rolls-Royce cars?

17 / 21

17. What is the escape velocity from the Earth's surface?

18 / 21

18. What was Luke Skywalker's original name in "Star Wars"?

19 / 21

19. In 1811, an earthquake near Missouri caused one particular change to the Mississippi River. What was it?

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20. How many times do you blink in a week?

21 / 21

21. How much petroleum does it take to change 25 liters of drinking water to 25 liters of non-potable water?

Questions left
These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021