Do You Have Good Or Bad Karma?
Do You Have Good Or Bad Karma?
Is the universe with you or is it against you?
Is the universe with you or is it against you?

The debate on if karma is even real is one we are not even going to deal with. The matter of the fact is, whether you believe in karma or not, that sometimes we find ourselves in situations that happen to be a result of cause and effect. Formally stated by Sir Issac Newton in his third law is that "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction". You do something good, good karma could come your way. Do something bad and, well... you see where this is going.
Do you feel like the world is against you?
Do you think you are more selfish or selfless?
Are you materialistic?
What do you do when you find a $100 dollar bill on the street?
What is your Uber rider rating?
What are you most grateful for?
Are you the confrontational-type?
You're on the way to work and see a tourist looking lost, what do you do?
You see someone litter, what do you do?
When do you feel the luckiest?
Do you have any haters in life?
If your life was a movie, what genre would it be?
What are you guilty of?
Good Karma
Good Karma
You're lucky to be blessed with good karma! This means you must have done a good deed(s) with the expectation, implied or explicit, of some kind of reward. And by having the expectation of repayment, you were able to set yourself up for the debt to be paid back later. Either in the future of this life, or in a future life. Don't forget to share your results.
Bad Karma
Bad Karma
You sadly have bad karma. Don't worry, you did not do anything that upset the universe. Actually, contrary to popular belief, bad karma has not come to you because something bad you did to someone intentionally. bad karma happens when you do some action to someone and then you feel guilty or responsible for committing that action. It's all an internal thing. Don't forget to share your results.
A mixture of good and bad karma
A mixture of good and bad karma
You may not have the best karma in the world, but it's also not the worst. We'd label your type of karma as 'average'. You're gonna experience good days and you'll experience some bad ones. That is just how life goes for you. There's just not a lot of stability. Click below to share your results.
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