Is Your Personality More Like Peanut Butter Or Jelly?
Is Your Personality More Like Peanut Butter Or Jelly?
Try to guess your results before answering this quiz
Try to guess your results before answering this quiz

Work hard or play hard?
Which describes you better?
Love or money?
Is the glass half-empty or half-full?
What would you do if you heard someone was talking bad about you behind your back?
Do you fall in love easily?
Are you easily jealous?
Are you more likely to arrive someone early or late?
How do you feel about going to therapy?
If you had to choose, would you say you're a winner or a loser?
Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter
You are the type of person who tends to be more competitive and aggressive. You are someone who is incredibly hardworking and determined. You tend to get caught up in stuff easily and this tends to stress you out more than it should. Click below to share your results.
You are someone who tends to be more relaxed and emotional. You aren't afraid to show your true feelings or colors. You also are the type of person who is usually more on the flexible side. You are open-minded and don't tend to freak out over the smallest of problems or inconveniences. You find a way to make it work, no matter what. Click below to share your results.
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