Plan A Perfect Date And We'll Reveal If Your Crush Will Ask You Out
Plan A Perfect Date And We'll Reveal If Your Crush Will Ask You Out
D8 night!!
D8 night!!
What day of the week will the date be?
What time will the date be?
What kind of outfit will you wear?
How will you get to the destination?
Will it be a double-date or just you two?
How long will the date last?
Will you kiss?
Lastly, will you go on another date?
Your crush WILL ask you out!
Your crush WILL ask you out!
Time to celebrate!! You caught their eye! You're just what they're looking for at the moment!
Your crush sadly won't ask you out :(
Your crush sadly won't ask you out :(
Don't take it's THEM not YOU!
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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021