Tell Us Your Daily Routine To Find Out What Big City You Belong In
Tell Us Your Daily Routine To Find Out What Big City You Belong In
Daily decisions can reveal a LOT about a person
Daily decisions can reveal a LOT about a person

Every single person on this planet has their own little daily routine. Some may be similar, but each daily routine has a special little funk to it. Maybe you're the type of person who snoozes 5+ times before actually getting out of the comfort of your bed. Maybe you're someone who cannot go without their cup of coffee you grab from a drive-thru every day. Maybe you can't feel accomplished until you go on a daily walk. These things we do day in and day out make up the type of person we are. So what type of person are you?
On average, what time do you wake up?
What is the first thing you do after you get out of bed?
Which is closest to your go-to breakfast?
What do you do after breakfast?
What type of outfit would you wear?
What does a typical afternoon look like for you?
What is your typical lunch?
What helps you work on daily tasks?
What is a typical dinner for you?
What is the last thing you do before bed?
You are someone who is simple-minded. The simple life is the one you dream of. The less stress, the better. Dallas would be a great fit for you because things aren't as chaotic in this city as they can be in other booming places in the US. You'd find yourself fitting in great with the more laid-back atmosphere.
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You are someone who does not like being ordinary. You like to stand out and do your own things in life. You do not like being told what to do, you despise it, actually. Seattle would be a great fit for you because you wouldn't have to worry about fitting in with the basic US lifestyle. You could be as crazy or unique as you please.
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Los Angeles
Los Angeles
You are someone who tends to have pretty high-standards. You don't like to settles for anything less than what you expect. You also are someone who is outgoing and lives for the spotlight, which would help you fit in great in this La-La-Land.
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New York City
New York City
You are someone who is a fast-paced individual. You like to keep moving and doing things. You are a hard-worker who doesn't like hearing words like "no" or "you can't do that". You would fit in great not only with the hustle and bustle of NYC, but with the bold, New Yorker personalities.
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