The Best TikTok Trends You Should Try Yourself
The Best TikTok Trends You Should Try Yourself
Let's take a dive into the world of TikTok
Let's take a dive into the world of TikTok

Next level of lip syncing
These TikToks are truly the best of both worlds. Who ever said you can't play both of the starring roles?! Take that, high school drama teachers!
Flexing on your friends
As humans, we're not perfect, and these TikTokers are not afraid to show off some of their not-so-great moments in life. The transparency is not only relatable and a breath of fresh air, it's absolutely hilarious.
*Literally* FOLDING over things in life
You ever have something upset/annoy you so much that you literally just want to fold in half? Well, yeah. That's what people are literally doing on TikTok right now. And don't be fooled, folding like that is not as easy as it looks. It takes commitment.
Show off your INSANE transition game
Doing good transitions in TikTok isn't insanely hard to do, but doing INCREDIBLE transitions is! That room to water transition is something that has been attempted to be replicated all over the app, but it's not easy. At all.
Sing when you ____ challenges
This trend can be done with practically anything, however, the most popular segment on the app is "Sing along if you find them attractive" and "Sing along if you see something yummy" (in regards to food). One TikToker (@maddisonbarba) is known to be one of the most popular users who creates videos for other users to take part in this trend.
Strutting and dancing to this Taylor Swift remix
We don't know if it's the Taylor music, people strutting like it's nobody's business, or both, but these videos are so powerful. This fun challenge is easy for anyone to take part in!
Being vocal on your taste
We all have preferences, of course. Some things we might adore and other things... let's just say we wouldn't really miss them if they fell of the earth.
Expressing how it feels to go through those little "speed bumps" of life
Seeing something you did not want to see is not something one can easily forget. It could even ruin a whole show for you. A warning would be nice!
Exposing what goes on in your heads
Sometimes our mind churns and creates some of the craziest, most outlandish scenarios in our heads, but we just can't help it! At least we feel a little less crazy knowing that we're not the only ones doing this.
Posting throwbacks
Whether it's showing a time you fell in love or a time you showed up to school in a killer Halloween costume, TikTok users at jumping at using the app's flashback effect. It's a great way to show a time that you want the world to know about.
Recreating your emoji mistakes
Texting mistakes. They happen more than we would hope. One finger slip and you go from laughing out loud to riding a bicycle. It happens!
Which party would you choose to throw?
Which social media app (beside TikTok) do you spend most time on?
Biggest turn off?
What are you best at?
Which sweet treat is calling your name?
Flexing on the world
Flexing on the world
You may be the type of person that can be a little clumsy from time to time, or maybe you're the type of person that had a phase in life that you look back at and shutter a little with cringe. It's okay, we're not here to laugh at you. We're here to laugh with you (and to make you go viral).
Strutting to T Swift
Strutting to T Swift
You are someone who radiates confidence. You are the type of person who others envy and want to be. You just have a type of power and assurance that gets others locked on you.
Showing off things you don't like
Showing off things you don't like
You are someone who is not afraid to speak their mind. You're bold and valiant. Practically nothing can hold you back from expressing your opinions, no matter how unpopular they may be.
Laughing emoji mistake
Laughing emoji mistake
You are someone who is a comedian at heart. For you, nothing is better than being able to make others laugh. You are the type of person who constantly is making jokes and keeping everyone on their feet. Laughing is your energy fuel.
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