We'll Guess What Month You Were Born In Based On The Foods You Choose
We'll Guess What Month You Were Born In Based On The Foods You Choose
Food is a universal experience, our common ground that we know and love. But is it good enough to guess your month of birth?
Food is a universal experience, our common ground that we know and love. But is it good enough to guess your month of birth?

Choose a fruit:
Choose a vegetable:
Choose a doughnut:
Choose some pasta:
Choose some bread:
Choose a cake:
Choose some cereal:
Choose a British food:
Choose a popcorn type:
Choose a salad:
January or February
January or February
Based on your food preferences, you are someone who is very comforting. You always seem to know what to say and/or do in tough situations. You are able to deal with things in a very-well and sometimes unique way. Click below to share your results.
March, April, or May
March, April, or May
Based on your food preferences, you take things very seriously and you are very good at figuring out what the next step should be. You are a realistic type of person and you usually don't get your hopes up, so you won't be disappointed down the road. Click below to share your results.
June, July, or August
June, July, or August
Based on your food preferences, you are someone who is very outgoing. You always seem to be outdoors or up and active. You are the talkative type as well. It's hard to keep you tamed. Click below to share your results.
September or October
September or October
Based on your food preferences, you are someone who always tends to get their way. For you, all you have to do is think about what you desire and it will often happen. Things just come to you naturally. Click below to share your results.
November or December
November or December
Based on your food preferences, you are someone who is very generous. You are not the type of person to be too hard on others. You keep as positive of an attitude as you can at all times. Click below to share your results.
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