What Heart Emoji Are You?
What Heart Emoji Are You?
Put your heart into this quiz and we promise your results won't skip a beat!
Put your heart into this quiz and we promise your results won't skip a beat!

Cats or dogs?
Fame or love?
Hugs or kisses?
Is your personality more sweet or salty?
Which sounds like the best first date?
Which compliment would you most like to receive?
Which gift would you most like to receive?
Which hobby would you pick?
Black heart emoji
Black heart emoji
You are a dark and mysterious person. You are someone who doesn't like to share much with people, especially with those you don't know or are new to you.
Heart with arrow emoji
Heart with arrow emoji
You are someone who is very romantic. You are charming and a massive dreamer. Nothing makes you happier than a good love story.
Purple heart emoji
Purple heart emoji
You are someone who is very energized. You are a spontaneous person. You like to get out, see the world, and experience new things (as much as possible).
Yellow heart emoji
Yellow heart emoji
You are someone who is very loving and lively. You have a positive outlook on the world. You try to see the best in everything around you.