What Horror TV Show Should You Watch Based On The Mac & Cheese You Make?
What Horror TV Show Should You Watch Based On The Mac & Cheese You Make?
Horror series are the mac to your cheese.
Horror series are the mac to your cheese.

Sometimes we want a horror show, sometimes we want some mac & cheese, and sometimes we NEED both. Looking for a good scream? Hoping to binge-watch some thrills? There is a pretty massive collection of horror television shows currently available for you to watch, but by crafting up the best mac & cheese dish your heart can desire, we're here to cut down that list to that one perfect show.
Choose a pasta shape:
Choose your cheese:
Choose a second cheese:
Choose an add-in:
Want another add-in?
Choose a finishing touch for your mac & cheese:
Choose a bowl for your mac & cheese:
What time of day will you be eating this mac & cheese?
Where will you eat this mac & cheese?
Serious question: Will you eat your mac & cheese with a spoon or a fork?
The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House is a Netflix original show that focuses on the supernatural. Having two seasons, the first season is loosely based on the 1959 novel of the same name. The primary focus of the show follows siblings who, as children, grew up in what would go on to become the most famous haunted houses in the country. Now, as adults, these siblings are forced back to the house in the face of tragedy. You are for sure to enjoy the pure horror of this show.
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American Horror Story
American Horror Story
The unique thing about American Horror Story is that each season focuses on a new theme and a new set of characters. Each season, the audience gets introduced to new locations, people, and evil. Some show themes from previous seasons have included an insane asylum, a witch coven, a freak show circus, a haunted hotel, and a cult. You are sure to enjoy the offhand nature of the show.
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MTV took upon themselves to create this show adaption of the popular horror film franchise. Scream follows a group of teenagers who are being targeted by a masked serial killer. On top of the creepy masked villain, there is a lot of high-school drama that comes along with the show. You are for sure to enjoy watching the teens not only solve the mystery of the murders, but also solve the mystery of being a teenager.
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The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead
This popular AMC TV series may just seem like a zombie-killing show from afar, but The Walking Dead has much more to offer than blood and guts. Surviving the apocalypse is not easy, and it can be interesting to see that the brain-dead walkers aren't the only villains in this show. You are sure to find yourself invested in the close friendships and relationships that build as you watch the character fight for survival.
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