What Is Your Online School Personality Type?
What Is Your Online School Personality Type?
There's something about this quiz that just *clicks*
There's something about this quiz that just *clicks*

Thanks to the internet, access to education has become literally available at one’s fingertips. On top of that, thanks to pandemics that are spread from person to person, online learning is going to be more prevalent than ever in the upcoming years. Online school is either a hit or miss for most of us. Not everyone has the personality it takes to easily succeed with digital learning. Do you have what it takes?
What time do you wake up in the morning (without an alarm)?
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning before school?
How many close friends do you have?
Choose an after school activity:
Do you get all A's?
Normally, what is the first thing you do when you get home from school?
What type of note-taker are you?
Choose something to pack for lunch:
What is the most embarrassing moment in-school?
What is the most embarrassing thing to do on your phone?
The Digital Class Clown
The Digital Class Clown
You are someone that lives to hear your classmates laugh. You are known to always make remarks, whether or not the class and/or teacher wants to hear them. It's hard to stop a class clown like you from going on their entertaining mission.
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The Quiet Online Student
The Quiet Online Student
You are the type of student that just sits back and observes. You prefer to just listen. You don't have the urge to ask questions or make comments like other students might. You tend to take the backseat in class.
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The Overactive Online Student
The Overactive Online Student
You are the type of student who is always asking questions or making comments. To the other students, you are known to be always on-top-of-things. You get things done, you join clubs, and you make sure you're getting all of the information you need to succeed.
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The Stressed Online Student
The Stressed Online Student
You are someone who overworks and over-stresses themselves. You always get into your own head and convince yourself that you are behind and/or doing the work wrong. It's hard for you to just sit back and listen to the teacher.
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