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Which Mythological God Or Goddess Are You?

Find out which mythology your Godliness belongs to. Roman? Greek? Norse? Egyptian?

Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 21, 2018

Are you male or female?

Choose an emotion that you are prone to.

If you were given the opportunity to rule the Human world, you would...

If the world was ending, who would you save?

What power would you want?

Pick the one that you are drawn to the most.

Think of a mythological religion that you connect with. Why do you connect with that religion?

What is important to you?

Choose one.

In darkness and in light, we are the children of...



From Norse Mythology, you are Balder, the second son of Olden, King of the Norse Gods and Goddesses. He is the God of Summer Sun, Light, Beauty, and Radiance. His twin brother is the blind God of Darkness, Hodr. When Balder had a horrid nightmare of his own death, his mother, Frigg, the Goddess of Marriage, forced all things on Earth vow not to hurt her son. Unfortunately, though, all things, even Gods, have their kryptonite. Mistletoe was so young and was unable to make such a vow. So, you may have beauty and radiance, but beware of your own limitations. For Loki might just kill you.



From Roman Mythology, Diana is the Goddess of the Hunt, the Moon and Birthing, being associated with wild animals and woodland, and having the power to talk to and control animals. You must have a deep connection with nature. Diana, the Roman equivalent to the Greek Goddess, Artemis, is a feminine Goddess that represents virginity as much as she represents archery. She is a mix of the feminine form as well as a deep mother earth appeal. You must be a tough woman with a deep strength.



From Egyptian Mythology, Nun is the God of Chaos. According to an ancient Egyptian creation myth, Nun was the waters of chaos. In other words, The Great Flood was caused by Nun. However, this only means that you are a follower of someone who has led themselves off the beaten path. You do not follow a leader, but your own heart. Nun was the only thing that existed on Earth before there was land. Then, the first land (in the form of a mound) rose out of Nun. As such, great things are expected from you, and your creativity will not leave you empty handed.



From the Hindu religion, Anumati is a Moon Goddess with her name meaning ‘Divine Favor.' As a Moon Goddess, you not only hold a deep connection to yourself, but to others as well. Anumati is also a lunar deity of spirituality. Anumati is the beholder of a formal activity of mother nature, permission. Authority means a great deal to you, whether you grant it or accept it. However, worship is not exactly your forte. You prefer life as you want it. You prefer freedom, with the choice of authority. You are the Goddess of Night before the full moon. You appreciate life and death, darkness and light. Just as others appreciate you.



From The Mesopotamian culture, Ishtar is the Sumerian Goddess of Love, War, Fertility, and Sexuality. Ishtar is a Goddess that is unafraid. She is strength personified. She holds herself to high standards. In some tales, she frightens men and even turns them into animals when she is done with them. However, the true Ishtar that you are, is one that is full of justice and protectiveness. You are strong, yes, but you are also true to yourself and your friends and family. You are someone to look up to.



From an old African mythology, Le-Eyo was the African God of Death. While some believe that Le-Eyo was incompetent and did not understand how to use his powers, others believe that he did not like the idea of killing. One story believes that when humankind was born, Le-Eyo was tasked with killing the Moon, but in order to save the moon, he used an incantation spell that would even out the imbalance of both lives. While the moon waxes and wanes, humanity does as well throughout a lifetime. Some say that Le-Eyo is disastrous and they are unsure of his evilness, but in reality, just like Le-Eyo, you cannot stand injustice or the killing of innocents.



From ancient Japanese Mythology, Yuki-Onna is known as the Queen of snowstorms, the Goddess of Winter. As a piece of her, you are extraordinarily beautiful. She/ you do not always see the beauty that you both are, but it is there, drawing people as much as it frightens them. Yuki-onna appears on snowy nights as a tall, beautiful woman with long black hair and blue lips. Her inhumanly pale or even transparent skin makes her blend into the snowy landscape. She often wears traditional clothing, only hinting at your interest in many things that can be traditional. She has been hurt before, something you can understand and relate to. Despite that, and her ghostly form, she is lovely in all ways just as you are. Sometimes, true strength resides inside.



From Native American beliefs, The Raven is related often with Godliness. Few people know that the first bird out of Noah’s ark was a raven. It just didn’t return. It didn't feel the need. Odin (from Norse Mythology) relies on his two ravens to fly round the world every day and keep him informed. You are known by many, under many different names. You may be related to this original creator/trickster God, but that only means you have a sense of humor, often times darker than those around you. However, your importance is definitely a light in greater darkness.

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