Which 90210 character are you?

Find out which 90210 character are you?

Brittney Amsturdam
Created by Brittney Amsturdam (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Who can you relate to the most?

What is your favorite hobby?

What's your favorite subject?

Do you like drama

Is your romantic relationship seriuos or no?

Do you have money?

How much do you really care about your friends?



You're a little bit of a film geek, and you can sometimes go a little crazy. But everybody overlooks it because everyone loves you and you love everyone!



You always end up falling for the same person. You love your friends and family and put them above all else. You have made some mistakes, but all is in the past!



You love money and shopping. You don't always put others above your own needs, but most of the time people overlook it!



When you fall for someone you fall hard. You always put family nad friends first and always try to get ahead, but your morales can sometimes get in the way.



You are a bad boy, but you always put the on you love above all else. You always want to be the hero and most of the time you are.



You love music. You are a sweet fun loving person with almost no bad bones. I said almost.



You have made many, many bad decisions and you love music, but everyone always forgives you in the end because you always had the right idea in mind!

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