This Miraculous Mom And Baby Are Doing Fine After Life-Saving Surgery Done In Utero
This Miraculous Mom And Baby Are Doing Fine After Life-Saving Surgery Done In Utero
Doctors in Canada performed a life-saving surgery on little Sebastian before he was even born.
Doctors in Canada performed a life-saving surgery on little Sebastian before he was even born.
A First in Canada
When Kristin Barry learned that the little boy she was carrying had a birth defect in his heart, she was terrified. Two sections of his heart that were supposed to be open were actually closed off, causing serious problems.
As long as the baby was in utero he was fine, but once he was born, his heart would struggle to pump blood on its own. Doctors would have just three minutes to open a passage in the baby's heart once he was born, or he would suffer brain damage.
After discussing the options, doctors presented Barry with a possibility: perform a life-saving surgery while her little boy was still in the womb.
Doctors Are Hopeful
The success of Sebastian's surgery gave doctors gave doctors great hope for his future. Since he was already doing well with the first surgery, any future surgeries would be much easier and far less risky.
Plus, Sebastian's great prognosis has opened the doors for the surgical technique to be used in other instances to save even more lives.
These kids can play soccer, play hockey, go to university, have pretty normal lives.
Dr. Rajiv Chaturvedi
Cardiologist at SickKids Hospital
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