Which CW The Flash villain are you?

You love the flash but find yourself fascinated by characters like Captain Cold, Peek A Boo, and Heatwave. Well don't you worry we can tell you just what villain you would need to be to take on the flash!

Brooke Whipple
Created by Brooke Whipple (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 13, 2015

Would you describe yourself as outgoing?

Do you prefer to work with others or to work alone?

Would you consider yourself a meta human?

Do you prefer to have a leadership role?

How do you feel about puns?

What kind of criminal do you want to be?

Whats your relationship with the Flash?

Are you capable of murder?

Do you fall in love easily?

Do you think you could ever give up your life of crime?

Captain Cold

Captain Cold

You're just like Leonard Snart aka Captain Cold you are smart logical, and quick with a pun. You always have a plan, and have to keep your team in check. You don't mind the leadership role because you have fallen into it most of your life. You have a closer relationship with the flash then most villains and even find it kind of fun to go up against him.

Heat Wave

Heat Wave

You are just as hot headed as Mick Rory aka Cisco hit the nail on the head with that name. You have a short fuse but know when its time to start taking things to seriously before your friend snaps. You can't help that the beautiful things in life, like fire, inspire you and no one can blame you for that.

Golden Glider

Golden Glider

You are definitely Lisa Snart aka Golden Glider a smart and sassy super villain you can keep up with the boys no problem. People may second guess your sanity at first but you know what you're doing. You are loyal to your family and would do anything for them. You kick ass and you look good doing it. Gold is definitely your color.

Peek A Boo

Peek A Boo

You are a softy at hart like the meta human Peek A Boo. You didn't chose to become a criminal but anything for love right? You still trust people easily and it can be hard to see who is good and whose bad. What you have learned is that you are kick ass and you don't need a significant other to be happy. You have started making decisions for yourself and might find a real team along the way.

The Pied Piper

The Pied Piper

You are most like the Pied Piper, you are to smart to function. It can be hard to be so much more intelligent then those around you and its hard to keep that from going to your head. A lack of family structure and the betrayal of people close to you lead you to this life of crime, but you don't let that get down on your humor. Rejection is something you are familiar with but don't worry you'll be able to beat them all one day!

The Reverse Flash

The Reverse Flash

You are the most like The Reverse Flash. Even though your intention is to just get back to your own time line, you are stone cold in the way you treat the people around you. You aren't afraid to manipulate things into going your way, and you will go to great lengths to do it. Be careful of making deals with super heroes it might now end well for you.

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