Which season is best for you
Which season is best for you
Hi! This quiz is to see which season is best for you! So have fun taking this quiz
Hi! This quiz is to see which season is best for you! So have fun taking this quiz
Do you like being outdoors
What are your favorite colors?
Do you like swimming?
What do you drink on a hot day
What do you drink on a cold day
Do you like this outfit?
What about this one?
Would you wear this?
Would you wear this one?
Ok, do you want this room?
How about this room
Annnnnd this room?
What about this last room?
That was my quiz! thank you so much for taking it! I hope you had fun! Tell me if I should make more!
You got summer! You love to go outside and play around. You also love to be active, like swimming, playing sports, and playing with your friends.
You got Winter! You like to drink Hot Chocolate by the fire when you get cold by playing outside in the snow. Like making snowman, and throwing snowballs, and building snow forts!
You got Autumn! You love to play in the colorful leaves with your friends. The pretty sunset and sunrise makes you so happy when you see it! And the breeze in the cool and warm whether feels so good to you!
You got Spring! You love to see and smell all the pretty flowers on the ground. The cherry blossoms make you smile as you watch the beautiful spring sunset.